Any type of registered company , government or non government organization can post auctions here for promote their goods or services and receive orders from world wide customers.
If you are a seller you need to register and make the account by your company name which should be mentioned in name E.g. unisonic (Pvt) Ltd.User name -unisonic and address should be the registered address of company or organization.
If you are a buyer, anyone can register and make an account.
All the goods or services you post as auctions should be quality and free from damages. You are responsible for not post any illegal goods or services. If you need a special license to sell any item, your company should have that licence of selling the item.
If you are the owner of a land or building you can advertise Renting or selling advertisements of that land or building even if you are an individual.
Only a patent owner can advertise Patent protected products. If you are unsure whether your product or service qualified for advertising, you can send send details to